Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Fair...

Yes...I am finally updating my blog. Miracles still happen! Anyhow, every year our family likes to take advantage of all the "Fairs" that come to town. Yummy, greasy food, strange people, and interesting things to see. But best of all...Funnel Cakes! These pictures are of the kids at the Davis County Fair at the Farmington fair grounds. This is a good fair to go to because its FREE!! The kids love it. Brittany, Amber, Mom and I all took the kids and we had a great time. The kids all were able to get one toy. If you couldn't guess, they all got binoculars. Thomas, with his wonderful imagiation told the kids the "Huns" (from Mulan) were coming and they were preparing for a battle. This was a great memory for the kids. I think their favorite part was the animals and the petting zoo. Oh yes, and the dirt where they could dig and pour buckets of dirt on each other. Good times. I think sometimes I forget that kids enjoy just the simplest of things and just being together. It doesn't have to be a big expense to be fun and memorable.

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